I recently came across the app for the iPhone/Blackberry/Android FourSquare. FourSquare is hard to explain its a kind of social tool/game. What makes it different from social networks such as twitter is that its as much about where you are as to what you are doing. To use Foursquare you look around you to see if any locations have been added and clock into them(Citys such as London have already been mapped out, small towns such as Polegate must be mapped out by users). By going to these locations (they can be bars,clubs,restraunts,shop etc) you get points and it will update your friends as to where you are. In these locations you can add a To-Do list where you recommend activities to do to other users. By carrying out certain tasks, such as signing in 4 places in one evening, you unlock medals.

FourSquare Medal Page

The Hidden Park.
Although The Hidden Park is not a social network, it is about where you are. Essentially this iPhone app is for Children. What the app does is gives you a list of parks (only 2 are available in the London at the moment). When you are in these parks the app takes your location/compass position and works out where you are. A story is then revealed to you based on what part of the park you are in. It then encourages you to go to different parts of the park to unlock different parts of the story and to discover different things.
These 2 location based apps have inspired me to create a side to the iPlayer that uses real locations, so you could prehaps find out what those around you are watching or listening to on the iPlayer.