Monk : Koos Dekker. This is an incredibly good example of kinetic Typography, the way he uses objects as well as type to show the audio works really well.Using objects such as the road and flies give the animation lots of depth unlike most examples which are usually flat. The orange and blue complementary colours are used to subtly but cleverly determine who is speaking although because we are listening to a female and male voice it is not necessary.
Dexter : Koos Dekker Unlike the last example of kinetic typography this video only has one voice in the dialogue. The text is very glossy almost liquid and buy using drips along side the text we can tell this is meant to represent blood. He also uses objects such as rubber gloves and instruments to emphasise the medical/blood theme . This animation has a more linear style of displaying the text, in a more downward style. As the dialogue is much slower and calmer than the Monk example and this is shown in the pace of the animation.
Beastie Biz from Munish Dabas
This example of Kinetic Typography is a little different to the last two animations as the font is used to build up a picture of Spock who is mentioned in the audio. The text has a rough grunge texture to it which reflects the roughness in the voice of the dialogue.