
Filming : Day 2

With the mistakes of the previous days filming I was slightly more concerned about how I was going to approach the green screen. I decided it would probably be best to have the camera facing the house and to have Ryan walk out of the shot then use that pause to move the green screen in. This worked much better and I was able to achieve the shot I was looking for.

I also chose to shoot at midday, this would mean there would be minimal shadow cover on the ground and on the green screen. This shot was exactly what I was looking for, the green is bright against the black of Ryan and there have been no shadows cast.
Overall this was a more successful day, all the 'actors' new what was going on and what I wanted of them and there were no time restraints so the atmosphere was a little bit more relaxed. After I had finished shooting the intro in the house and back garden I shot the driving scenes.

Due to human error (I stupidly recorded over the shots) after Day 2 I only had one shot of the car. This shot was far to close to the camera and after I put it in after effects I would have had to move Ryan closer to the camera and the noise from the shot and the green screen meant that it would look incredibly grainy and it didnt match into the scene very well.