After the group crit Neil thought it would be a good idea for me to change the final screen of my animation where the Aquapax bottle appeared and the words "Better than the Bottle" came up. This was because the tag line didn't really match anything to do with the animation. He remember that I had used the line "Stop Playing With Plastic" and he felt this was better. It was also suggest that I remove the actual image of the Aquapax bottle. This was because I had not mentioned it in the film and it was considered completely random because the viewer had not seen it and would not recognize it. I feel the new still at the end is much better than the original because it appears more striking and gives a clearer message to the viewer.

This is the final still from my animation. We felt that it would look better if the link was more discreetly put in the corner much like the Think! and Drinkaware campaigns.

It was also suggested in the group crit that I sped up the image of the car hitting the guy. I tried to do this in Final Cut Pro by speeding the footage up but it kept coming up with errors. Due to time restraints I didnt have the time to go back into After effects and edit the footage (because it would have meant moving all the layers around and speeding them up).