Final Composition :
This is the final version of my composition. It is exported at 240x320 to make it appear as if it was filmed on a Nokia phone, exporting at this resolution also helped me overcome the issue that was created by the plugin "After Shake" I used this plugin to create the handheld feel and in the larger version of my video the some of the background image becomes black where it moves off screen. Inspired by the shocking Youtube videos such as the Carlsberg video and the UK Road Safety video. I wanted to create something that would shock the audience and at the same time help convey a message. I feel I have achieved this by having the car hit followed by a striking message. I think that the overall camera phone effect worked very well and It looks how I imagined it would. The car hit itself isn't as well executed as would have liked it to have been. This was because this was my first time using a green screen and although I had looked at a few green screening tutorials online I was going into it fairly blind. I felt that I over came some of the big obstacles, such as the method of moving the green screen in discreetly. The main problem I had with the green screen was its size because it didnt cover up the whole of the actors body so I had to go through in after effects and individually mask out the feet and the head. Masking the head worked fairly well and was pretty seamless but I struggled with the feet. To overcome this I used a fake finger in-front of the camera in the final shot, the reason I could get away with this is because of the mobile phone effect I was going for. Overall I feel I have achieved what I wanted to from this viral project, I completed the brief and the clients needs and I think I have created something that has the potential to go viral.