This is my final composition for the B.A.N.G Future Machine White Nights event. Initially inspired by Jeremy Deller's The History of the World brainstorm and how everything can be related. I have combined this concept with the word association game to create a piece of Kinetic Typography which helps create a journey. When I set out to create this piece I had a vision of a fast paced flowing animation, I feel I have nearly accomplished this. The way the text appears works really well but it does seem quite flat, due to this I would like to have given my animation some more depth by zooming through and in-between the words but I didn't feel I was technically able to create this due my skill and time restrictions. To give my animation added depth I placed some 3D layer letters flying around on the back-wall, I felt like the Text Rain installation these didn't really have to make much sense and because they were being projected onto the back-wall some of the audience would not have been able to see them so they were not a vital piece in my animation. The sound featured in my project works quite well as the voices are not too similar and the way the words are set is reflected in the fast pace of the animation. This project has taught me some vital After Effects skills as I was not very well informed about it previously. Overall I feel I have achieved what I set out to do and fulfilled the brief at the same time.
Final Composition :
This is my final composition for the B.A.N.G Future Machine White Nights event. Initially inspired by Jeremy Deller's The History of the World brainstorm and how everything can be related. I have combined this concept with the word association game to create a piece of Kinetic Typography which helps create a journey. When I set out to create this piece I had a vision of a fast paced flowing animation, I feel I have nearly accomplished this. The way the text appears works really well but it does seem quite flat, due to this I would like to have given my animation some more depth by zooming through and in-between the words but I didn't feel I was technically able to create this due my skill and time restrictions. To give my animation added depth I placed some 3D layer letters flying around on the back-wall, I felt like the Text Rain installation these didn't really have to make much sense and because they were being projected onto the back-wall some of the audience would not have been able to see them so they were not a vital piece in my animation. The sound featured in my project works quite well as the voices are not too similar and the way the words are set is reflected in the fast pace of the animation. This project has taught me some vital After Effects skills as I was not very well informed about it previously. Overall I feel I have achieved what I set out to do and fulfilled the brief at the same time.