After creating my interactive project I feel I have succeeded in creating an interactive project that shows the concept that interactive narrative is just an illusion and that you have real control over a story. By giving the users options to take different options gives the appearance that they can choose what happens when really I force them down the same route whatever option they choose. I feel the narration works really well as the more times you try and go down the wrong path the narrator gets more annoyed much like a author would if they were trying to communicate a story and somebody was trying to mess it up. The one negative issue I have with my interactive story is halfway through the narration changes and references to the user by saying "do YOU want to take this path" this is an error because when I was rewriting the story I found it very hard to keep it in either the past or the presence. This issue is brought up by Andrew Cameron when he says
"“The moment the reader intervenes to change the story (at the nodes of multi-linear narrative, or at any moment in a spatio-temporal simulator) is the moment when the story changes from being and account of events which have already taken place, to the experience of events which are taking place in the real present”
Overall I feel I have improved my Flash and Illustrator skills during this project and I have gained much more knowledge about the theory of interactive narrative and I know believe you cannot have it where as before this project I had never really thought about it.